Date: 5 AUG 2010
I am launching this web site with a sincere tribute to all my gurus who helped me to understand the intricacies of dance and always encouraged me to put a dedication in it. My first guru belonged to Lucknow gharana of Kathak dance form. In my first exposure, all other friends slowly left the dance class but he still continued to come home to teach a 5 year old child from a faraway place in India. He was a dedicated and pious soul who put a fire for dance in my heart.
My journey continued with learning from other teachers as we move from place to place. In my teenager years, the dedication bestowed by Bansal Aunty in fine tuning my dance is always unforgettable. When I met her few years back in Delhi after a long pause of more than a decade, the tears rolled from my eyes. All my dedication for my dance hobby is because of my gurus. I hope to put my sincere efforts in my students and see them flowering in the field of elegant dance.